
Source for:   Andrew Jackson Carpenter,   20 OCT 1830 -          Index

Name source:    S004177


Source for:   William Henry Harrison Carpenter,   10 JUL 1833 - 5 FEB 1911         Index

Name source:    S004179
Page 427:
W. H. Carpenter, an enterprising farmer and stock-raiser, of Wright Township, residing on section 12, was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, July 10, 1833, a son of William and Mary (Stuart) Carpenter, being natives of Ohio, the father born in Tuscarawas County. They had nine children born to them, as follows- John, James, Andew, William, George, Edward, Mary, Elizabeth and Catherine. W. H. was the fourth son of the family. He spent his youth on his father's farm, receiving his education in the common schools of his native county, where he lived till fifteen years of age. In 1848 he went with his father to Holmes County, Ohio, where he lived nine years. He then spent seven years in McDonough County, Illinios, and in 1865 came to Wayne County, Iowa, locating on his present farm in Wright Township in the fall of 1866. He was married August 22, 1857 to Celestia Jane Hueston of Harrison County, Ohio a daughter of Leonard and Celestia Hueston. They have thirteen children - James S., Louise R., J.W. Amanda, Alice, Andrew, Grandville, Sarah, Orlow, Jessie Lee, Frank, Edward. One daughter, Wealthy is deceased. Mrs. Carpenter died Feb. 24, 1885, and January 6, 1886. Mr Carpenter married for his second wife Clarinda Davis, of Schuyler County, Illinois. Mr Carpenter is successfully engaged in raising and feeding stock. He has brought his farm, which contains 259 acres, from a wild, unimproved tract of land, under excellent cultivation. His residence is comfortable and commodious, and his farm buildings are among the best in his neighborhood. His large barn, which wa


Source for:   James Stewart,   BET. 1698 - 1786 -          Index

Name source:    S004177

Birth source:    S004097


Source for:   Clarinda Jane Husted Davis,   11 AUG 1834 - 27 OCT 1918         Index

Name source:    S004179
Biographical and Historical Records of Wayne and Appanoose Counties, page 427:

W. H. Carpenter, an enterprising farmer and stock-raiser, of Wright Township, residing on section 12, was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, July 10, 1833, a son of William and Mary (Stuart) Carpenter, being natives of Ohio, the father born in Tuscarawas County. They had nine children born to them, as follows- John, James, Andew, William, George, Edward, Mary, Elizabeth and Catherine. W. H. was the fourth son of the family. He spent his youth on his father's farm, receiving his education in the common schools of his native county, where he lived till fifteen years of age. In 1848 he went with his father to Holmes County, Ohio, where he lived nine years. He then spent seven years in McDonough County, Illinios, and in 1865 came to Wayne County, Iowa, locating on his present farm in Wright Township in the fall of 1866. He was married August 22, 1857 to Celestia Jane Hueston of Harrison County, Ohio a daughter of Leonard and Celestia Hueston. They have thirteen children - James S., Louise R., J.W. Amanda, Alice, Andrew, Grandville, Sarah, Orlow, Jessie Lee, Frank, Edward. One daughter, Wealthy is deceased. Mrs. Carpenter died Feb. 24, 1885, and January 6, 1886. Mr Carpent


Source for:   Alice May Carpenter,    -          Index

Birth source:    S004097


Source for:   Louise R. Carpenter,   BET. 1898 - 1901 -          Index

Birth source:    S004097


Source for:   J. W. Carpenter,   BET. 1898 - 1901 -          Index

Birth source:    S004097