Note for: John H. Divelbiss, 1838 - WFT Est.
1890-1930 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Fought in the Civil War on the Union side. Was in the same unit as Felix
and John Foreback. This family lived in the Warfordsburg and Franklin
Mills,Fulton Co., PA area. Also lived in Great Cacapon, Morgan Co., WV
Note for: Frederick Dallas Divelbiss, 1845 -
WFT Est. 1883-1936 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Living in Morgan Co., WV per the 1880 census.
Note for: Harry W. Foreback, 9 FEB 1909 - 1926 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
On tombstone a bird with the letters PHC, which stand for Protected Home
Circle located in Sharon, PA. was twin brother of Lewis Edward. Killed in
mining accident. Fern E. Bowman wanted to marry him but ended up marring
his twin brother Lewis Edward.
Note for: Margaret Mellott, 1845 - MAR 1877 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
D/O David & Mary A. Mellott.
Note for: Margaret Ann Bishop, WFT Est. 1838-1865
- 29 JUL 1918 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Widow of Andrew Bishop.
Note for: Sarah Mellott, 3 FEB 1798 - WFT Est.
1799-1892 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Died young.
Note for: William Francis Mellott, 27 APR 1804
- 12 MAY 1887 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Married (1) Miss Whitefield (2) Salome Sequeth.
Note for: Elizabeth Mellott, 1806 - 5 MAR 1896 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Married William Whitefield.
Note for: Lewis Edward Foreback, 28 FEB 1909
- 30 MAR 1989 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Nicknamed Frex because of all his frekles. Worked in teh mines in Jerome
until about 1950. Loved to fish. Played cards alot, mostley poker. Died of
Alzheimer's. SS# PA 167-05-3314.
Note for: Gideon La Plante Marlet Or Merlet, FEB
1623/24 - 1683 Index
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #2531, Date of Import: Oct 10, 1999]
Gideon arrived in New Amsterdam on 17 Oct 1662. The passenger list of "De
Purmerlander Kerck", w/Capt. Benj. Barentsz in command, lists Gideon
Merlitt,wife & 4 children (ages 15,8,6 & 4). This French Hugenot family
fled France because of religious persecution. They traveled from France,
Germany, to Holland and on to America. Their ancestors had held high
positions in France. Gideon was a constable @@ Dover, Staten Island, NY in
1671. In1674 he was magistrate under Gov. Colve. In 1683 he was on the
of Early Settlers in Piscataway & Woodbridge, NJ.
French Prot., from London, where they were members of Old THREADNEEDLE
CHURCH, alongside MONNET, PILLOT, et al., (HUG. SOC., London, Vols. XIII
and XVI; vide, ante, this PART, p. 573). The name was also MELLET, Marley
and Morley.
The first Amer. Anc. was GIDEON MERLET, in Col. N. Y., petition, Mar. 19,
1663, (CALEND. N. Y. HIST., Pt. I, p. 245; vide, ante, PART TWO, p. 153).
This contains familiar Staten Island names. In 1674, GIDEON MARLET was
magistrate on S. I., (CALEND., supra, p. 17), and in other references,
land at Fresh Kill, 1694, "formerly owned by GIDEON, JOSHUA and PAUL
MARLET," while JOHN PETER MELOTT appears by 1700, (pp. 242, 278-9).
The latter was the son of ABRAHAM MARLETT, First Settler of Pisc., who
had m. CHRISTINE PIETERSE, (vide, ante, PART ONE, p. 124; KINGS, p. 200).
(Study, also, pp. 223, 224 and 104.)
ABRAHAM MARLETT had chil. when on Long Island, MARGARET, b.p., Mar. 31,
1678, in Flatbush; JANNETJE, b.p., May 18, 1679 in Flatbush, and ABRAHAM,
b.p., May 16, 1680, in New Utrecht; "rem. to settle upon the Raritan, in
N. J.", and had a son, DIRCK (Richard), b.p. there, Oct. 27, 1708. His
brother was PAULUS MARLETT, wife LYZBETH BRUNSWYCK, prom. citizen of S.
I., (vide, ante, PART ONE, pp. 121-125).
Marlet (Marlett-Marlott-Merlett), Gideon 1683
Date: Thu Feb 20 13:42:37 1997
Name: Lisa Mallott Reskey
E- mail:
Surname of Immigrant: Merle
Given name(s) of Immigrant: Gedeon LaPlante
Name of Ship: Der Permerlander Kerck (Pummberland Church)
Arrival Date: 12 Oct 1662
Origin of Immigrant: Champagne, Roucy, France
Immigrant's Date & Place of Birth: abt 1624, Champagne, Roucy, France
Immigrant's Date & Place of Death: bef 1683 Piscataway, Middlesex Co., NJ
Immigrant's Spouse: Margueriet Martin
Source of Information: Second passenger list of the ship, "Der
Permerlander Kerck", Captain Benjamin Barentsz
Immigrant's Children:
Josias Merle, b. 17 Sep 1645 d. abt 1715 s. Sarah Aliar LeFleve Peatt s.
Anne Unknown s. Rebecca Waldron Deufort
Marie Merle b. 11 Sep 1646 d. bef 1662 s. Herman Janson
Esechias Paulus Merle b. July 26, 1648 d. bef 1662
Paul Paulus Merle b. 14 Sep 1653 d. 1679 s. Lysbeth Burwyck
Abraham Merlet b. 6 Jan 1655/56 d. 1714 s. Chretienne Billieu
Jean Pierre Merle b. 18 Apr 1658 d. 1702 s. Marie Mellemain s. Lisbet
Vanderwael s. Widow Mary Jegou
Anne b. 1666 d. 25 Aug 1681
Notes: Gedeon and Margueriet were Hugenots, and with religious
persecution running rampart in France and Germany, they fled Holland.
They had been married in Walloon Church, Leiden, Zuid, Holland 21 Aug
1644. With the promise of lands in the New World, he signed on with the
Dutch West Indies Company. Gedeon, wife and four sons are listed on the
second passenger list of the ship "Der Permerlander Kerck". There were 29
passengers on board and they landed at "New Holland" on Oct. 12, 1662.
Their daughter Maria, stayed in Holland and son Paulus had died young in
Holland. April 1663, Gedeon joined the "Dutch Reformed Church" of New
Amsterdam. On March 19, 1663, he and 6 other petitioned for land grants,
temporary subsistance, and seed grain which would be repaid by the next
harvest time. These petitions were granted and Gedeon and the two eldest
sons were awarded 242 acres of land on Staten Island. Location was about
midway on the island at "Fresh Kills" (Kills, in Dutch means large stream
or river). They also received 40 acres at "Salt Meadows". (Copy of the
petition from Albany, N.Y. State, Archives, NY, Colonial, Vol. 10)
Website Description:
The Times of Gedeon Merlet
by Robin Marlatt Farr, Port Credit Ontario, 1997
The "Huguenot period" in France, preceded the life of Gedeon Merlet and
continued long after he had fled the country. It was a bloody and
turbulent episode in terms of religious intolerance and civil warfare,
even judged by the unrest that characterized 17th. Century Europe.
The most famous early Huguenot exile was, of course, John Calvin who fled
to Basel and established his church there in 1534. By 1545 massacres of
Huguenot reformists had spread widely in France almost certainly because
the Reform movement had increased so rapidly in terms of adherents. Louis
I de Bourbon, Prince of Conde, became the Protestant standard bearer and
took up arms in 1562. A Protestant army fought over a wide territory over
the next several years until it was defeated at Jarnac and Conde killed.
However, Conde's sister-in-law was the Queen of Navarre and she presented
her son to the Reformers to lead the Protestant army. He became Henry IV
who, in 1598, proclaimed the Edict of Nantes. Neither Henry's succession
to the throne of France nor the Edict of Nantes really abated the
religious persecution of the Huguenots. Henry's life was in many ways
typical of the monarchs of his time. He led a turbulent life, often
switching allegiance to suit his ambitions, strong on the battlefield,
the father of many illegitimate dukes and duchesses, yet sympathetic to
the needs of his subjects. He became one of France's most popular kings.
Despite his Protestant upbringing, he abjured his Protestantism to marry
the sister of Charles IX, probably recognizing that this was a more
strategic way to reach the throne of France than through continual
warfare. His marriage, however, was marred by the massacres of Huguenots
(known as the Massacres of Saint Bartholemew). Henry thereupon escaped
from the French Court, quickly recanted his Catholicism, and took up arms
again to lead the Protestant rebel forces. The reigning French monarch
was assassinated, probably arranged by Henry who suffered the same fate
himself later (a not uncommon occurrence in this bloody period). Henry,
King of Navarre, was now recognized as successor to the throne of France.
The surest way to Paris, however, was to convert again to Catholicism,
which he did. The famous remark "Paris is well worth a mass" is
attributed to Henry at this time.
Henry as King finished the Tuileries and built the great gallery of the
Louvre, restored order to a country which had been devastated by
religious conflict, and proclaimed the Edict of Nantes in 1598. Twelve
years later he was assassinated in Paris. The Edict awarded right of
assembly, property rights etc to French Protestants. Although a bold
stroke on Henry's part, it did not end the harrassment of French
Protestants. The Catholic Clergy began what has been called a "judicial
war" which intensified between 1643 and 1663 (the period in which Gedeon
Merlet and his family fled from France and ultimately arrived in New
Amsterdam). A multitude of proclamations and decrees followed the Edict
which attacked Huguenot family life, property rights and civil freedoms.
"Commissioners" for the Edict were established, controlled by the Clergy
and ruling on all Huguenot activities in the various regions of the
country. The Catholic Clergy were dedicated to the revocation of the
Edict which they achieved in 1685. One of the more obnoxious forms of
harrassment was a system called "dragonnades" by which dragoons of the
French army were quartered in Huguenot homes with instructions to
maltreat their hosts.
Even before the revocation of the Treaty of Nantes, civil war had broken
out between Louis XIII and the Huguenot forces. The revocation of the
Edict of Nantes has been termed "one of the most flagrant political and
religious blunders in the history of France." It is estimated that more
than 400,000 Protestants emigrated to Holland, Prussia, England and
America. There is evidence to suggest that this large migration included
many skilled artisans and trades people. (Gedeon who was a carpenter
could be considered among these numbers.) By 1715 Louis XIV proclaimed
that he had " put an end to the exercise of the Protestant religion."
It was not until 1789 that the National Assembly, following the
Revolution, restored some of the civil rights of the Huguenots and
recognized the validity of Protestant marriages. The process of
recognition continued under Napoleon but was sharply reversed after the
fall of Napoleon when a period known as "white terror" exposed
Protestants to outrages, particularly in the south of France at Nimes and
caused the Huguenots to flee again. (Nimes was the principal centre of
the Reformation in France.)
Gedeon Merlet arrived at New Amsterdam (Staten Island) on October 12,
1662, during the period when some of the worst excesses of the "judicial
war" against Huguenots were occuring in France. However. the Merlets had
arrived to a new kind of turbulence and bloodshed in the New World.
Staten Island was inhabited by the Raritan Indians who laid waste
completely to the first white settlements by 1655, just seven years
before Gedeon's arrival. The first permanent settlement was established
in 1661, one year before his arrival. Staten Island was a major Huguenot
destination because the Dutch West Indies Company had purchased the
Island and granted land to French Huguenots at the settlement of Oude
Dorp (old town) south of the Narrows. However, two years after Gedeon's
arrival the British, under the Duke of York, captured Staten Island and
brought English and Welsh farmers to establish homes and farms. The
Merlets had arrived in the New World only to encounter yet more upheaval
and change.
Date: Wed Mar 12 00:45:08 1997
Name: William Marlatt
E- mail:
Surname of Immigrant: Merlet
Given name(s) of Immigrant: Gedeon
Name of Ship: Plumerland Church
Arrival Date: 1663
Origin of Immigrant: Roucy, Champagne Province, France
Immigrant's Date & Place of Birth: 1624, Champagne Province, France
Immigrant's Date & Place of Death: 1683, Piscataway, NJ
Immigrant's Spouse: Margariet Martin
Source of Information: Directory of Family Research for the Marlatt,
Malott and Mellott Families, William Marlatt, publication date: 1997
expected, contact
Immigrant's Children:
Josias Marlatt b. 1645 d. ca 1715 m. Sarah Peatt
Abraham Marlatt b.1656 d.aft 1703 m. Christine Billeau
Jean Pierre Mellott b.1658 d. 1704 m. Marie Bellemain
Paulus Merlet
Notes: Gedeon Merlet was often referred to as Gedeon La plante Merlet.
The surname was occasionally spelled Marles, Merle, Marlet, Marlett. In
later generations the surname evolved to Marlatt, Marlett, Malott,
Mellott, and Melott. The family resided on Staten Island, New Utrecht,
Flatbush, Long Island. The family moved to NJ.
Website: om/BMarlatt/homepage.html
Website Description: This Web page is meant to aid researchers in tracing
the ancestry of the Marlatt, Malott & Mellotts
The original ancestor Gideon Mellott earlier had fled probably Alsace or
northwest Switzerland (he was a Huguenot) for Leyden, Holland where the
Anabaptists took him in. He then moved to Mannheim, Germany sometime
around 1660 where he was living with his wife Maria Martin in early 1663.
He then sailed down the Rhine River to Rotterdam to catch a boat to New
Netherlands. He became the magistrate of Staten Island and accumulated
much land there. John Peter was the first sone of Gideon's to move to
Quotes from Bill Marlett "John Marlett Ancestory"
"Gedeon La Plante Merlet was born Roussy, Champagne, France ca 1624.
Gedeon died ca 1683 Middlesex, New Jersey, at age unknown.
He married Margariet Martin 21 August 1644 Walloon Church, Leiden,
Holland. Margariet was born ca 1622 Limbourg, Belgium. Margariet died
Piscataway, Middlesex NJ at age unknown Gideon was a carpenter by
trade. As he and his wife were Huguenots, and persecution was high in
France and Germany, they fled to Holland. The couple and their four sons
are listed on the second passenger list of the ship "De Permerland
Kerck". There were 29 passengers aboard when the ship landed in New
Holland on 12 October 1662.
On April 20, 1671 he was appointed Constable of Staten Island, and on
February 14, 1674 he was appointed Magistrate.
Gedeon La Plante Merlet and Margariet Martin had the following Child:
Abraham Marlat was born 6 Jan 1656."
After marrying Maria Martin in Leyden, Holland, Gideon and his wife
briefly moved back to Germany to live--this time in Mannheim. Gideon's
son Johann (John) Peter was born there (the one that first settled East
Jersey). In 1663, Gideon decided to take his family to New Netherlands.
He then took a boat from Mannheim (on the Rhine River) to Rotterdam where
he took a ship to New Amsterdam.
Many of you trace to Gideon Marlett/Mellott, French Huguenot, who after
seeking refuge at an Anabaptist Church and marrying Maria Martin in
Leyden, Holland, settled Staten Island. He eventually became the island's
magistrate and accumulated much land. His son John Peter was the first to
settle Jersey. Quickly, the Marletts/Mellotts settled Bergen, Huntingdon
and other Jersey Counties. By the next generation, Marlatts/Mellotts
began migrating to Hancock, MD, Pennsylvania. By 1790, Marlatts/Mellotts
were reported in the Carolinas, Kentucky, Ohio and upstate New York. You
may want to check to see if your line and many lines on this forum
re-converge in New Jersey back to Staten Island. I may be able to help
with Marlatts/Mellotts around Hancock, MD, if not, I can put you in touch
with people who can.
Gideon Merlet (also written Marles and Marlet), the son of Josias Merlet
and Jeanne Robb, is believed to have been born in about 1625 at Roussy in
Champagne Province, France. As a young man, Gideon fled the religious
persecution that was taking place in France, and moved to Leiden in the
Province of Zuid Holland, the Netherlands. Gideon was later married in
the Walloon Church at Leiden to a woman named Marguerite Martijn On 21
August 1644. According to their marriage record, Gideon had arrived at
Leiden from Gouda in the Netherlands during the month of December 1643,
while Marguerite had come from the Limburg region in the southeast part
of Holland and northeast Belgium. Gideon was a carpenter by trade.
In about 1650, Gideon and Marguerite left Leiden and moved to the City of
Mannheim in the Palatinate of Germany (now the State of
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany), where they remained for nearly twelve
years. Gideon, his wife, Marguerite, four sons aged 15, 8, 6, and 4,
Gideon’s uncle, Philip Merlet, and his wife's cousin, Jeanne Martijn,
later emigrated to America, arriving in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam
(now New York City, New York) aboard the ship "De Purmerlander Kerck" on
12 October 1662. Shortly thereafter, on 19 March 1663, Gideon, along
with a number of other emigrants, petitioned the government for "grants
of land and seed grain, with provisions for six months." Gideon
subsequently received a grant of land on Staten Island, and it is there
that he and his family settled.
In 1671, Gideon was appointed Constable of Staten Island by Governor
Francis Lovelace, and in 1674, he was appointed a magistrate by Governor
Coive. Gideon apparently resided on Staten Island until his death.
Issue: (Surname Marlet)